
Showing posts from October, 2012

EMR – Why Support Adoption?

Ever since Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) have been available in the market, on one hand majority healthcare professionals have embraced the use of EMRs and supported the technology, while on the other hand some physicians have shown resentment towards implementing the technology. No matter what, one thing is certain; EMRs have made an impact on medical practices as well as on the physicians. While some physicians can’t stop whining about the drawbacks, a lot of physicians also cannot stay back from discussing the benefits of EMRs. Let’s see what the EMR advocates have to say about the technology. A few days ago, I met a physician and as we discussed, he couldn’t stop lauding the advantages that these solutions have brought to the healthcare industry. According to him, besides improving the quality of care delivery and enhancing patient safety, EMRs have also helped physicians cut their monetary and non-monetary costs. Moreover, an all-in-one EMR solution also includes f...

Expediting Revenue Cycles Through Medical Billing

In the competitive healthcare industry, EMR vendors are offering extra services such as MedicalBilling , in order gain an edge over their competitors. If these players don’t come up with innovative ideas, they end up losing revenue as well as market share. Most vendors comply with industry compliant certifications and standards to alleviate their brand in the eyes of their customers. However, compliance alone is not enough for providers to make a definitive decision, as there are several factors like compatibility issues and user friendliness which need to be considered when it comes to EMR and Medical Billing. Top vendors always stay on their toes and keep trying hard to deliver solutions that understand all the possible problems of any specialty physician. For this reason, EMR vendors are striving to deliver all-in-one solutions along with services like Medical Billing, which makes life easier for physicians as everything is documented electronically in lesser time, allowing ...