How do you provide technical support for an EHR?
Technical support is one of the most challenging parts of implementing an EHR in your practice. What are technical challenges for the vendor and the practice? How do you meet the demands of the practice by accommodating your support services according to your client needs? Let’s lay down some steps, on how you provide technical support for an EHR . Experts —If you are using a web-based EHR, technical support experts should be available 24/7 for their customers/users. Having expertise in ICD-10 codes and Meaningful Use gives a huge edge in providing the technical support. EHR that are ICD-10 and Meaningful Use compliant requires that support staff always ready to answer any query of their customer. So, you should always keep your experts ready. Storage —The major technical challenge for an EHR is storage. It can come in variety of shapes. For example, if the practice grows, they may need more storage space in their hard drive or more computer power. Likewise, the ...