How can an EMR transition be smooth?

The adoption of technology is a process that needs repetition to achieve the desired outcome of optimum output. When it comes to the adoption of EHR (Electronic Health Record) and the implementation of EMR (Electronic Medical Records) software at your workplace, everybody involved needs to be trained and guided according to their roles in the process.

An important step in the adoption of EMRs is to have a designated trainer or guide in the workplace whose sole job is to train, guide and help the staff understand everything related to Electronic Health Records and its implementation. This person should be aware of the changes taking place and what role each staff member has to play.

One of the techniques that can help in the implementation process is to bring the people at the workplace together and make teams of one or two doctors and nurses with someone who knows the ins and outs of EMR. This will make for a better overall training as the doctor and the nurse will get a more personalized guidance session unlike a group training session in which many questions are usually left unanswered at the end.

The staff at the hospital or practice needs to be constantly aware of individuals who are having a hard time trying to understand some of the new concepts and changes being brought up with the EMR implementation. When this staff becomes available and aware of the problems faced by others, they can either help them out themselves or take them to the trainer or guide who will help them understand the new concepts and process.

It is imperative to remember that learning new concepts, changes in the current process and practice modifications can take a lot of time for people to get used to especially if they already have  a busy schedule. The individual training the healthcare staff should set up a schedule in which he should introduce a new method or change concept on a week or bi-weekly basis. In this way, the staff would have more time to get used to the modifications and understand the terms completely.

The key to a smooth transition is to have a dedicated trainer who can understand how the implementation of EMRs will affect each and every person in the office and how the training will need to be catered to accommodate the staff through their respective schedules.  


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