Paper based Billing or Electronic Medical Billing

Traditionally, medical billing services were practiced manually and sent through the Post Office system which had the capacity to distribute large amounts of data all across the country. This required a lot of time and effort leading to the emergence of Electronic Medical Billing service.

Still, there are many in healthcare businesses who have not yet taken to the idea of medical billing electronically. Usually, small practices in lesser populated areas of the country still use and utilize a paper-based medical billing system.

Using a paper-based manual system of medical billing requires the respective person to fill out the claims in handwriting as opposed to a person using a software to quickly input the information on the software and sending it out to the insurance company electronically right there and then.

Using paper to make claims requires a lot of time from the filling out of forms to sending them over to the insurance company, either in person through company transport, through the Post Office or through a courier service. Whereas, there is very little time required for the processing of claims through software as there is no need to transport the paper-work to the insurance company. When the claim is filled out electronically, it is sent to the insurance company electronically, saving time and effort.

Furthermore, using paper-based claims result in increased costs of postage and transportation, resulting in an ineffective method to process claims from both ends. Comparatively, the cost is also increased using an Electronic Billing system since the provider has to pay the vendor if it is a cloud-based service, or pay for the hardware, software, internet connection and electricity.

Conclusively, since technology evolves at a rapid pace, it is prudent to say that only those who evolve with technology can stay abreast and utilize the full benefits it has to offer, otherwise they will be left behind and will have to ponder over the gap between them and those who went with technology.


Unknown said…
Damn good post. Technology developed rapidly.No one not interested to stuck with paper work. so all are go with Electronic Medical Billing. so that nowadays there is a great demand for Medical Billing Experts.

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